An Investment in Your Future!
You may see the terms RPAC and RAPAC. Both are essential components of our advocacy, legislative and political action work. For the differences, please read on, but rest assured both are working to protect private property rights and your livelihood!
RAPAC is the acronym of the the REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC), a member-sponsored effort organized to financially support candidates running for local, state and federal office whose position on real estate regulation and a free-market business environment most closely represent the initiatives of the Arizona REALTORS®. RAPAC contributes to and channels resources into races that will have the most impact on the real estate industry. RAPAC is a voluntary, non-profit political action committee and operates independently of any political party.
RAPAC is a vital part of the Arizona REALTORS® Government Affairs program — a program that includes professional lobbying, legislative analysis, grassroots contacts, and long-term political relationships. RAPAC, through efforts of the state and local associations and council strives to educate city council members, legislators and members of congress about our industry and guarantees that no decision is made that will affect our industry, good or bad, until the REALTOR® voice is heard.
RPAC, is the acronym for REALTORS® Political Action Committee, and is a voluntary program that provides the “hard” dollars the association uses to make direct contributions to national, state and local candidates.
Launched in 1969 as the Real Estate Political Education Committee (REPEC), RPAC supports candidates of any party who understand and champion real estate issues. It is the most bipartisan major PAC in the country. Political expenditures are divided nearly evenly among Republicans and Democrats based on their support of real estate issues. In 1974, NAR changed REPEC’s name to RPAC.
In 2015, NAR created the Corporate Ally Program to provide our extended real estate family—namely Multiple Listing Services and their business partners and advisors, real estate brokerages, NAR business affiliates and vendors and Institutes, Societies and Councils—with the flexibility of investing their corporate dollars to support the REALTOR® Party issues and/or candidate programs.